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Plant species within the SALICACEAE family are shown below. For quick access to family details, visit our SALICACEAE family page.
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Record Format
Scientific NameCommon NameFamilyGenus Specimens
Accepted Name Populus alba White poplar Salicaceae Populus
Accepted Name Populus balsamifera Balsam poplar Salicaceae Populus
Accepted Name Populus deltoides Eastern cottonwood Salicaceae Populus
Accepted Name Populus deltoides subsp. deltoides Eastern cottonwood Salicaceae Populus
Accepted Name Populus deltoides subsp. monilifera Eastern cottonwood Salicaceae Populus
Accepted Name Populus grandidentata Big-tooth aspen Salicaceae Populus
Accepted Name Populus heterophylla Swamp cottonwood Salicaceae Populus
Accepted Name Populus jackii ×[P. balsamifera ×P. deltoides] Jack's poplar Salicaceae Populus
Accepted Name Populus nigra Lombardy poplar Salicaceae Populus
Accepted Name Populus smithii ×[P. grandidentata ×P. tremuloides]   Salicaceae Populus
Accepted Name Populus tremuloides Quaking aspen Salicaceae Populus
Accepted Name Populus ×canescens [P. alba ×P. tremula] Gray poplar Salicaceae Populus
Accepted Name Salix alba White willow Salicaceae Salix
Accepted Name Salix amygdaloides Peach-leaved willow Salicaceae Salix
Accepted Name Salix bebbiana Beaked willow; Gray willow Salicaceae Salix
Accepted Name Salix candida Hoary willow; Sage willow Salicaceae Salix
Accepted Name Salix caprea Goat willow Salicaceae Salix
Accepted Name Salix caroliniana Carolina willow Salicaceae Salix
Accepted Name Salix cinerea Gray willow Salicaceae Salix
Accepted Name Salix conifera ×[S. discolor ×S. humilis] Hybrid pussy willow Salicaceae Salix
Accepted Name Salix cordata Dune willow; Heart-leaved willow Salicaceae Salix
Accepted Name Salix discolor Pussy willow Salicaceae Salix
Accepted Name Salix eriocephala Heart-leaved willow; Missouri willow Salicaceae Salix
Accepted Name Salix fragilis ×(S. alba ×S. euxina) Crack willow Salicaceae Salix
Accepted Name Salix humilis Prairie willow Salicaceae Salix
Accepted Name Salix humilis var. humilis Prairie willow Salicaceae Salix
Accepted Name Salix humilis var. tristis Prairie willow Salicaceae Salix
Accepted Name Salix humilis ×S. petiolaris Prairie willow Salicaceae Salix
Accepted Name Salix interior Sandbar willow Salicaceae Salix
Accepted Name Salix lucida Shining willow Salicaceae Salix
Accepted Name Salix myricoides Blue-leaved willow Salicaceae Salix
Accepted Name Salix nigra Black willow Salicaceae Salix
Accepted Name Salix pedicellaris Bog willow Salicaceae Salix
Accepted Name Salix pendulina ×[S. babylonica ×S. euxina] Weeping willow Salicaceae Salix
Accepted Name Salix pentandra Bay-leaved willow Salicaceae Salix
Accepted Name Salix petiolaris Meadow willow Salicaceae Salix
Accepted Name Salix purpurea Purpleosier willow Salicaceae Salix
Accepted Name Salix sepulcralis ×[S. alba ×S. babylonica] Weeping willow Salicaceae Salix
Accepted Name Salix sericea Silky willow Salicaceae Salix
Accepted Name Salix serissima Autumn willow Salicaceae Salix
Accepted Name Salix viminalis Basket willow Salicaceae Salix
Accepted Name Salix ×glatfelteri ×[S. amygdaloides ×S. nigra] Hybrid black willow Salicaceae Salix
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