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Plant species within the MALVACEAE family are shown below. For quick access to family details, visit our MALVACEAE family page.
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Record Format
Scientific NameCommon NameFamilyGenus Specimens
Accepted Name Abutilon theophrasti Buttonweed; Velvetleaf Malvaceae Abutilon
Accepted Name Alcea rosea Hollyhock Malvaceae Alcea
Accepted Name Althaea officinalis Marsh mallow Malvaceae Althaea
Accepted Name Anoda cristata Crested anoda Malvaceae Anoda
Accepted Name Callirhoe alcaeodies Pale poppy mallow Malvaceae Callirhoe
Accepted Name Callirhoe digitata Winecup Malvaceae Callirhoe
Accepted Name Callirhoe involucrata Purple poppy mallow Malvaceae Callirhoe
Accepted Name Callirhoe triangulata Clustered poppy mallow Malvaceae Callirhoe
Accepted Name Hibiscus laevis Halberd-leaved rose mallow Malvaceae Hibiscus
Accepted Name Hibiscus moscheutos subsp. lasiocarpus Hairy rose mallow Malvaceae Hibiscus
Accepted Name Hibiscus moscheutos subsp. moscheutos Swamp rose mallow; Smooth-fruited rose-mallow Malvaceae Hibiscus
Accepted Name Hibiscus syriacus Rose-of-sharon Malvaceae Hibiscus
Accepted Name Hibiscus trionum Flower-of-an-hour Malvaceae Hibiscus
Accepted Name Iliamna remota Kankakee mallow Malvaceae Iliamna
Accepted Name Malva alcea Vervain mallow Malvaceae Malva
Accepted Name Malva moschata Musk mallow Malvaceae Malva
Accepted Name Malva neglecta Cheeses; Dwarf mallow Malvaceae Malva
Accepted Name Malva pusilla Dwarf mallow; Low mallow Malvaceae Malva
Accepted Name Malva sylvestris High mallow Malvaceae Malva
Accepted Name Malva verticillata var. crispa Large-whorled mallow Malvaceae Malva
Accepted Name Napaea dioica Glade mallow Malvaceae Napaea
Accepted Name Sida hermaphrodita Virginia mallow: Virginia sida Malvaceae Sida
Accepted Name Sida spinosa Prickly sida Malvaceae Sida
Accepted Name Tilia americana American basswood Malvaceae Tilia
Accepted Name Tilia americana var. americana American linden; American basswood Malvaceae Tilia
Accepted Name Tilia americana var. heterophylla White basswood; American basswood Malvaceae Tilia
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