Rosa arkansana

ClassificationFlowering Plants
Family (Traditional)Rosaceae
SpeciesRosa arkansana Porter
Common NameSunshine rose; Prairie rose
Growth HabitShrub
Plant Notes**
C value 4
StatusNative, FACU (NWPL)
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** Not applicable or data not available.

Subspecies and Varieties

Not applicable or data not available.


SynonymFull CitationBasionymType
Rosa arkansana var. depressa Rosa arkansana var. depressa Cockerell  
Rosa arkansanoides Rosa arkansanoides C.K. Schneid.  
Rosa blanda var. arkansana Rosa blanda var. arkansana (Porter) Best  
Rosa bushii Rosa bushii Rydb.  
Rosa heliophila Rosa heliophila Greene  
Rosa polyanthema Rosa polyanthema Lunell  
Rosa ratonensis Rosa ratonensis Erlanson  
Rosa relicta Rosa relicta Erlanson  
Rosa subglauca Rosa subglauca Rydb.  
Rosa virginiana var. arkansana Rosa virginiana var. arkansana (Porter) MacMill.  

Specimens and Distribution

This species has been reported in the following counties by the herbaria listed. An overview of the individual specimens are provided in the table that follows. Click on an accession number to view full details; click on column headers to sort.

Counties included on distribution map: Howard, Miami, Porter, Tipton

Counties represented by specimen data listed below:

Herbaria represented by specimen data listed below: BUT

Range of years during which specimens were collected: 1922 - 1943

Accession No. (click for full details) County Coll. Date Collector &
Collection No.
Herbarium &
Herbarium Name Used
56481 Tipton 30 May 1939 Charles M. Ek
Rosa arkansana T.C. Porter
56593 Miami 12 Jul 1939 Charles M. Ek
Rosa arkansana T.C. Porter
49829 Howard 23 Jun 1936 Chas. W. Ek
Rosa arkansana T.C. Porter
50065 Howard 23 Jun 1936 Chas. W. Ek
Rosa arkansana T.C. Porter
92712 Porter 11 Jun 1922 Marcus W. Lyon, Jr.
Rosa arkansana T.C. Porter
67550 Tipton 05 Jun 1943 Ray C. Friesner
Rosa arkansana T.C. Porter
67536 Tipton 05 Jun 1943 Ray C. Friesner
Rosa arkansana T.C. Porter
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