About the Atlas - References


This section lists books concerning the flora of Indiana.  


Field Guide to Indiana Wildflowers, Kay Yatskievych, 2000, Indiana University Press.  Available at IU Press or Amazon.com. This state-of-the-art field guide to the wildflowers of Indiana includes all the herbaceous species recorded in the state. It contains 640 color photographs, along with helpful explanations and numerous drawings of the characteristics that separate each of the individual species. 

Flora of Indiana, Charles Deam, 1940, Department of Conservation, Division of Forestry, Indianapolis, IN.

Manual of the Vascular Plants of Northeastern United States and Adjacent Canada. Henry Gleason and Arthur Cronquist, 1991, New York Botanical Garden.

Flora of the Chicago Region, Floyd Swink and Laura Rericha, 2017, Indiana Academy of Science.

Orchids of Indiana, Michael A. Homoya, 1993, Indiana Academy of Science.  In this handsome, comprehensive volume, Michael Homoya gives us an inside look at Indiana's wild orchids, detailing their distinguishing characteristics, habitat preferences, species associates, and state and continental ranges. More than one hundred color plates and scientific illustrations complement the text, with each orchid depicted as it occurs in Indiana's landscape.

Wildflowers and Ferns of Indiana Forests: A Field Guide, Michael A. Homoya, 2011, Indiana University Press.  This beautifully illustrated guide identifies nearly 300 common plants in Indiana's most prominent ecosystem—the Eastern Deciduous Forest. For ease of identification, the plants are arranged by flower color or growth form, providing a convenient way to distinguish a great majority of plants in any given woodland.

Sedges of Indiana and the Adjacent States: The non-Carex Species, Paul E. Rothrock, 2009, Indiana Academy of Science. This attractive publication is as relevant to gardeners as it is to natural areas biologists and plant taxonomists.

101 Trees of Indiana: A Field Guide,  Marion T. Jackson and Katherine Harrington, Illustrator, 2004, Indiana University Press.  Available directly from IU Press or Amazon.com. From American beech to yellow-wood, Indiana's trees are presented in beautiful field guide. Accessible and authoritative, it is perfectly sized to fit in a pocket or backpack & contains all you need to identify a tree in Indiana, whatever the season. Includes up-to-date maps, and over 400 illustrations.  

Native Trees of the Midwest. Identification, Wildlife Values, & Landscaping Use, Sally S. Weeks, Harmon P. Weeks, Jr., & George R. Parker, 2010, Purdue University Press.  Revised and expanded 2nd edition. The authors clearly know our silvaflora.  This is easily the best book on trees of the Midwest, and a must have for any serious gardener, botanist, or natural areas biologist.

Shrubs and Woody Vines of Indiana and the Midwest. Identification, Wildlife Values, and Landscaping Use, Sally S. Weeks and Harmon P. Weeks, Jr., with a forward by Michael A. Homoya, 2012, Purdue University Press.

The Sunflower Family in the Upper Midwest, Thomas M. Antonio and Susanne Masi, 2001, Indiana Academy of Science.  Features 544 photos as well as dot maps for each of the 150 treated species. The maps cover six states (Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin).

Wildflowers of Holliday Park, Norma Wallman, 2013, self published (available at Holliday Park Nature Center and the Indiana Historical Society Bookstore.)

Wildflowers of Indiana, Maryrose Wampler (Illustrator) and Fred Wampler (Editor), 1988.  Maryrose Wampler is the premier wildflower artist in Indiana, if not the Midwest. This lavish and oversize volume contains 80 full-color views of over 300 species of wildflowers that vary from woodland to roadside to field, and from season to season. Also available: Trees of Indiana, Maryrose Wampler, Illustrator, and Fred Wampler.