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Plant species within the HYPERICACEAE family are shown below. For quick access to family details, visit our HYPERICACEAE family page.
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Record Format
Scientific NameCommon NameFamilyGenus Specimens
Accepted Name Hypericum adpressum Shore St. John's wort; Creeping saint-john's-wort Hypericaceae Hypericum
Accepted Name Hypericum ascyron subsp. pyramidatum Great St. John's wort Hypericaceae Hypericum
Accepted Name Hypericum boreale Northern St. John's-Wort Hypericaceae Hypericum
Accepted Name Hypericum canadense Canadian St. John's wort Hypericaceae Hypericum
Accepted Name Hypericum dolabriforme Shrubby St. John's wort; Straggling St. John's wort Hypericaceae Hypericum
Accepted Name Hypericum drummondii Nits-and-lice Hypericaceae Hypericum
Accepted Name Hypericum frondosum Golden St. John's wort Hypericaceae Hypericum
Accepted Name Hypericum gentianoides Orange grass Hypericaceae Hypericum
Accepted Name Hypericum gymnanthum Clasping St. John's wort Hypericaceae Hypericum
Accepted Name Hypericum hypericoides subsp. multicaule St. Andrew's cross Hypericaceae Hypericum
Accepted Name Hypericum kalmianum Kalm's St. John's wort Hypericaceae Hypericum
Accepted Name Hypericum majus Sand St. John's wort; Large Canada St. John's wort Hypericaceae Hypericum
Accepted Name Hypericum mutilum Weak St. John's-wort; Dwarf St. John's-wort Hypericaceae Hypericum
Accepted Name Hypericum mutilum subsp. boreale Northern St. John's-wort Hypericaceae Hypericum
Accepted Name Hypericum perforatum Common St. John's wort Hypericaceae Hypericum
Accepted Name Hypericum prolificum Shrubby St. John's wort Hypericaceae Hypericum
Accepted Name Hypericum punctatum Spotted St. John's wort Hypericaceae Hypericum
Accepted Name Hypericum sphaerocarpum Round-fruited St. John's wort Hypericaceae Hypericum
Accepted Name Hypericum swinkianum Swink's St. John's-Wort Hypericaceae Hypericum
Accepted Name Hypericum virgatum Coppery St. John's wort Hypericaceae Hypericum
Accepted Name Triadenum fraseri Fraser's St. John's wort; Fraser's marsh St.John's-wort Hypericaceae Triadenum
Accepted Name Triadenum tubulosum Large marsh St. John's wort; Lesser marsh St. John's-wort Hypericaceae Triadenum
Accepted Name Triadenum virginicum Virginia marsh St. John's wort; Virginia St. John's-wort Hypericaceae Triadenum
Accepted Name Triadenum walteri Walter's marsh St. John's wort; Walter's St. John's-wort Hypericaceae Triadenum
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