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Plant species within the SAPINDACEAE family are shown below. For quick access to family details, visit our SAPINDACEAE family page.
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Record Format
Scientific NameCommon NameFamilyGenus Specimens
Accepted Name Acer campestre Hedge maple Sapindaceae Acer
Accepted Name Acer freemanii-x [A. rubrum ×A. saccharinum] Freeman's maple Sapindaceae Acer
Accepted Name Acer ginnala Amur maple; Siberian maple; Flame amur maple Sapindaceae Acer
Accepted Name Acer negundo Boxelder Sapindaceae Acer
Accepted Name Acer negundo var. negundo Boxelder Sapindaceae Acer
Accepted Name Acer negundo var. texanum Boxelder Sapindaceae Acer
Accepted Name Acer pensylvanicum Moosewood; Striped maple; Whistlewood Sapindaceae Acer
Accepted Name Acer platanoides Norway maple Sapindaceae Acer
Accepted Name Acer pseudoplatanus Sycamore maple Sapindaceae Acer
Accepted Name Acer rubrum Red maple Sapindaceae Acer
Accepted Name Acer rubrum var. drummondii Drummond's red maple Sapindaceae Acer
Accepted Name Acer rubrum var. rubrum Red maple Sapindaceae Acer
Accepted Name Acer saccharinum Silver maple Sapindaceae Acer
Accepted Name Acer saccharum Sugar maple Sapindaceae Acer
Accepted Name Acer saccharum subsp. nigrum Black maple Sapindaceae Acer
Accepted Name Acer saccharum subsp. saccharum Sugar maple Sapindaceae Acer
Accepted Name Acer saccharum subsp. schneckii Sugar maple Sapindaceae Acer
Accepted Name Aesculus flava Yellow buckeye; Sweet buckeye Sapindaceae Aesculus
Accepted Name Aesculus glabra Ohio buckeye Sapindaceae Aesculus
Accepted Name Aesculus hippocastanum Horse chestnut Sapindaceae Aesculus
Accepted Name Aesculus marylandica-x [A. flava ×A. glabra] Maryland chestnut Sapindaceae Aesculus
Accepted Name Aesculus pavia var. pavia Red buckeye: Firecracker-plant Sapindaceae Aesculus
Accepted Name Cardiospermum halicacabum Balloon vine Sapindaceae Cardiospermum
Accepted Name Koelreuteria paniculata Golden rain tree Sapindaceae Koelreuteria
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