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Plant species within the ARACEAE family are shown below. For quick access to family details, visit our ARACEAE family page.
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Record Format
Scientific NameCommon NameFamilyGenus Specimens
Accepted Name Arisaema dracontium Green dragon Araceae Arisaema
Accepted Name Arisaema triphyllum Indian turnip; Jack-in-the-pulpit Araceae Arisaema
Accepted Name Calla palustris Water arum; Wild calla Araceae Calla
Accepted Name Lemna aequinoctialis Three-nerved duckweed Araceae Lemna
Accepted Name Lemna gibba Swollen duckweed Araceae Lemna
Accepted Name Lemna minor Small duckweed Araceae Lemna
Accepted Name Lemna minuta Dinky duckweed; Least duckweed Araceae Lemna
Accepted Name Lemna obscura Purple duckweed Araceae Lemna
Accepted Name Lemna perpusilla Least duckweed; Minute duckweed Araceae Lemna
Accepted Name Lemna trisulca Forked duckweed Araceae Lemna
Accepted Name Lemna turionifera Perennial duckweed Araceae Lemna
Accepted Name Lemna valdiviana Pale duckweed Araceae Lemna
Accepted Name Peltandra virginica Arrow arum Araceae Peltandra
Accepted Name Spirodela polyrhiza Great duckweed Araceae Spirodela
Accepted Name Symplocarpus foetidus Skunk cabbage Araceae Symplocarpus
Accepted Name Wolffia borealis Spotted water meal; Dotted watermeal Araceae Wolffia
Accepted Name Wolffia brasiliensis Nippled water meal; Pointed watermeal Araceae Wolffia
Accepted Name Wolffia columbiana Globose water meal; Common watermeal Araceae Wolffia
Accepted Name Wolffiella gladiata Blade duckweed; Sword bogmat Araceae Wolffiella
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