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Plant species within the OROBANCHACEAE family are shown below. For quick access to family details, visit our OROBANCHACEAE family page.
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Record Format
Scientific NameCommon NameFamilyGenus Specimens
Accepted Name Agalinis auriculata Eared false foxglove Orobanchaceae Agalinis
Accepted Name Agalinis fasciculata Clustered false foxglove Orobanchaceae Agalinis
Accepted Name Agalinis gattingeri Round-stemmed false foxglove Orobanchaceae Agalinis
Accepted Name Agalinis paupercula False foxglove Orobanchaceae Agalinis
Accepted Name Agalinis paupercula var. borealis Small-flowered false-foxglove Orobanchaceae Agalinis
Accepted Name Agalinis paupercula var. paupercula Small-flowered false-foxglove Orobanchaceae Agalinis
Accepted Name Agalinis purpurea Purple false-foxglove Orobanchaceae Agalinis
Accepted Name Agalinis purpurea var. parviflora Purple false-foxglove Orobanchaceae Agalinis
Accepted Name Agalinis purpurea var. purpurea Purple false-foxglove Orobanchaceae Agalinis
Accepted Name Agalinis skinneriana Pale false foxglove Orobanchaceae Agalinis
Accepted Name Agalinis tenuifolia Slender-leaved false foxglove Orobanchaceae Agalinis
Accepted Name Agalinis tenuifolia var. macrophylla Bessey's false foxglove Orobanchaceae Agalinis
Accepted Name Agalinis tenuifolia var. parviflora Slender-leaved false foxglove Orobanchaceae Agalinis
Accepted Name Agalinis tenuifolia var. tenuifolia Slender false foxglove Orobanchaceae Agalinis
Accepted Name Aureolaria flava Smooth false foxglove Orobanchaceae Aureolaria
Accepted Name Aureolaria flava var. flava Smooth yellow false foxglove Orobanchaceae Aureolaria
Accepted Name Aureolaria flava var. macrantha Smooth yellow false foxglove Orobanchaceae Aureolaria
Accepted Name Aureolaria grandiflora var. pulchra Yellow false foxglove; Large-flowered yellow-false-foxglove Orobanchaceae Aureolaria
Accepted Name Aureolaria pedicularia Clammy false foxglove Orobanchaceae Aureolaria
Accepted Name Aureolaria pedicularia var. ambigens Fern-leaved yellow false foxglove Orobanchaceae Aureolaria
Accepted Name Aureolaria pedicularia var. intercedens Fern-leaved yellow false foxglove Orobanchaceae Aureolaria
Accepted Name Aureolaria pedicularia var. pedicularia Fern-leaved yellow false foxglove Orobanchaceae Aureolaria
Accepted Name Aureolaria virginica Downy false foxglove Orobanchaceae Aureolaria
Accepted Name Buchnera americana Blue hearts Orobanchaceae Buchnera
Accepted Name Castilleja coccinea Indian paintbrush Orobanchaceae Castilleja
Accepted Name Conopholis americana Cancer root; Squawroot Orobanchaceae Conopholis
Accepted Name Dasistoma macrophylla Mullein foxglove Orobanchaceae Dasistoma
Accepted Name Epifagus virginiana Beech drops Orobanchaceae Epifagus
Accepted Name Melampyrum lineare var. latifolium Broad-leaved cow wheat; American cow-wheat Orobanchaceae Melampyrum
Accepted Name Melampyrum lineare var. lineare Narrow-leaved cow wheat; American cow-wheat Orobanchaceae Melampyrum
Accepted Name Melampyrum lineare var. pectinatum Comb-leaved cow wheat; American cow-wheat Orobanchaceae Melampyrum
Accepted Name Orobanche fasciculata Clustered broom rape Orobanchaceae Orobanche
Accepted Name Orobanche riparia Bottomland broomrape; Louisiana broomrape Orobanchaceae Orobanche
Accepted Name Orobanche uniflora Cancer root; One-flowered broomrape Orobanchaceae Orobanche
Accepted Name Pedicularis canadensis Wood betony Orobanchaceae Pedicularis
Accepted Name Pedicularis canadensis subsp. canadensis Wood betony Orobanchaceae Pedicularis
Accepted Name Pedicularis lanceolata Fen betony; Swamp lousewort Orobanchaceae Pedicularis
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