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Plant species within the ASPARAGACEAE family are shown below. For quick access to family details, visit our ASPARAGACEAE family page.
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Record Format
Scientific NameCommon NameFamilyGenus Specimens
Accepted Name Asparagus officinalis Garden asparagus Asparagaceae Asparagus
Accepted Name Camassia angusta Wild hyacinth; Late-blooming wild hyacinth Asparagaceae Camassia
Accepted Name Camassia scilloides Wild hyacinth; Early-blooming wild hyacinth Asparagaceae Camassia
Accepted Name Convallaria majalis Lily-of-the-valley Asparagaceae Convallaria
Accepted Name Convallaria majalis var. majalis Lily-of-the-valley Asparagaceae Convallaria
Accepted Name Hosta ventricosa Blue hosta Asparagaceae Hosta
Accepted Name Hyacinthoides hispanica Spanish bluebell Asparagaceae Hyacinthoides
Accepted Name Hyacinthoides nonscripta Lineless squill; Common blue squill Asparagaceae Hyacinthoides
Accepted Name Maianthemum canadense Canada mayflower Asparagaceae Maianthemum
Accepted Name Maianthemum racemosum Feathery false solomon seal Asparagaceae Maianthemum
Accepted Name Maianthemum racemosum subsp. racemosum Feathery false solomon seal; Feathery solomon's-plume Asparagaceae Maianthemum
Accepted Name Maianthemum stellatum Starry false solomon seal; Starry solomon's-plume Asparagaceae Maianthemum
Accepted Name Manfreda virginica False aloe; Virginia tube rose Asparagaceae Manfreda
Accepted Name Muscari botryoides Common grape hyacinth Asparagaceae Muscari
Accepted Name Muscari neglectum Bluebottle; Starch grape hyacinth Asparagaceae Muscari
Accepted Name Ornithogalum nutans Nodding star-of-bethlehem Asparagaceae Ornithogalum
Accepted Name Ornithogalum umbellatum Common star-of-bethlehem Asparagaceae Ornithogalum
Accepted Name Polygonatum biflorum Smooth solomon's seal Asparagaceae Polygonatum
Accepted Name Polygonatum pubescens Downy solomon's seal; Hairy solomon's-seal Asparagaceae Polygonatum
Accepted Name Scilla siberica Siberian squill Asparagaceae Scilla
Accepted Name Yucca flaccida Adam's needle Asparagaceae Yucca
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