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Plant species within the PLANTAGINACEAE family are shown below. For quick access to family details, visit our PLANTAGINACEAE family page.
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Record Format
Scientific NameCommon NameFamilyGenus Specimens
Accepted Name Bacopa rotundifolia Water hyssop; Round-leaved water-hyssop Plantaginaceae Bacopa
Accepted Name Callitriche heterophylla Large water starwort Plantaginaceae Callitriche
Accepted Name Callitriche heterophylla subsp. heterophylla Large water starwort Plantaginaceae Callitriche
Accepted Name Callitriche palustris Common water starwort Plantaginaceae Callitriche
Accepted Name Callitriche terrestris Terrestrial water starwort Plantaginaceae Callitriche
Accepted Name Chaenorhinum minus Dwarf snapdragon Plantaginaceae Chaenorhinum
Accepted Name Chelone glabra White turtlehead Plantaginaceae Chelone
Accepted Name Chelone obliqua Red turtlehead Plantaginaceae Chelone
Accepted Name Chelone obliqua var. speciosa Pink turtlehead; Rose turtlehead Plantaginaceae Chelone
Accepted Name Collinsia parviflora Maiden-blue-eyed Mary Plantaginaceae Collinsia
Accepted Name Collinsia verna Blue-eyed mary Plantaginaceae Collinsia
Accepted Name Cymbalaria muralis Kenilworth ivy Plantaginaceae Cymbalaria
Accepted Name Digitalis lanata Grecian foxglove Plantaginaceae Digitalis
Accepted Name Gratiola neglecta Clammy hedge hyssop Plantaginaceae Gratiola
Accepted Name Gratiola virginiana Round-fruited hedge hyssop Plantaginaceae Gratiola
Accepted Name Gratiola virginiana var. virginiana Round-fruited hedge hyssop Plantaginaceae Gratiola
Accepted Name Hippuris vulgaris Mare's tail Plantaginaceae Hippuris
Accepted Name Kickxia elatine Fluellin; Sharp-leaved cancerwort Plantaginaceae Kickxia
Accepted Name Leucospora multifida Obe-wan-conobea; Narrow-leaved paleseed Plantaginaceae Leucospora
Accepted Name Linaria dalmatica subsp. dalmatica Dalmation toadflax Plantaginaceae Linaria
Accepted Name Linaria repens Striped toadflax Plantaginaceae Linaria
Accepted Name Linaria vulgaris Large butter-and-eggs Plantaginaceae Linaria
Accepted Name Mecardonia acuminata Axil flower Plantaginaceae Mecardonia
Accepted Name Mecardonia acuminata subsp. acuminata Axil flower Plantaginaceae Mecardonia
Accepted Name Nuttallanthus canadensis Blue toadflax Plantaginaceae Nuttallanthus
Accepted Name Penstemon brevisepalus Pale beardtongue Plantaginaceae Penstemon
Accepted Name Penstemon calycosus Smooth beard tongue Plantaginaceae Penstemon
Accepted Name Penstemon canescens Hoary beard tongue; Eastern gray beardtongue Plantaginaceae Penstemon
Accepted Name Penstemon cobaea var. purpureus Showy beard tongue Plantaginaceae Penstemon
Accepted Name Penstemon deamii Deam's beard tongue Plantaginaceae Penstemon
Accepted Name Penstemon digitalis Foxglove beard tongue Plantaginaceae Penstemon
Accepted Name Penstemon gracilis Slender beard tongue Plantaginaceae Penstemon
Accepted Name Penstemon grandiflorus Large-flowered beard tongue Plantaginaceae Penstemon
Accepted Name Penstemon hirsutus Hairy beard tongue Plantaginaceae Penstemon
Accepted Name Penstemon pallidus Pale beard tongue Plantaginaceae Penstemon
Accepted Name Penstemon tubaeflorus Western beard tongue; Trumpet beardtongue Plantaginaceae Penstemon
Accepted Name Plantago aristata Poor joe; Large-bracted plantain Plantaginaceae Plantago
Accepted Name Plantago cordata Heart-leaved plantain Plantaginaceae Plantago
Accepted Name Plantago indica Leafy-stemmed plantain Plantaginaceae Plantago
Accepted Name Plantago lanceolata English plantain Plantaginaceae Plantago
Accepted Name Plantago major Common plantain; Great plantain Plantaginaceae Plantago
Accepted Name Plantago patagonica Woolly plantain Plantaginaceae Plantago
Accepted Name Plantago psyllium Whorled plantain Plantaginaceae Plantago
Accepted Name Plantago pusilla Small plantain Plantaginaceae Plantago
Accepted Name Plantago rugelii Red-stalked plantain; Black-seeded plantain Plantaginaceae Plantago
Accepted Name Plantago virginica Dwarf plantain Plantaginaceae Plantago
Accepted Name Veronica agrestis Green field speedwell Plantaginaceae Veronica
Accepted Name Veronica americana American brooklime; American speedwell Plantaginaceae Veronica
Accepted Name Veronica anagallis-aquatica Water speedwell; Blue water speedwell Plantaginaceae Veronica
Accepted Name Veronica arvensis Corn speedwell Plantaginaceae Veronica
Accepted Name Veronica bullii Kitten-tails Plantaginaceae Veronica
Accepted Name Veronica catenata American water speedwell Plantaginaceae Veronica
Accepted Name Veronica chamaedrys Germander speedwell Plantaginaceae Veronica
Accepted Name Veronica dillenii Dillenius's speedwell Plantaginaceae Veronica
Accepted Name Veronica hederifolia Ivy-leaved speedwell Plantaginaceae Veronica
Accepted Name Veronica longifolia Long-leaved speedwell Plantaginaceae Veronica
Accepted Name Veronica officinalis Common speedwell Plantaginaceae Veronica
Accepted Name Veronica officinalis var. officinalis Common speedwell Plantaginaceae Veronica
Accepted Name Veronica peregrina Purslane speedwell Plantaginaceae Veronica
Accepted Name Veronica persica Bird's-eye speedwell Plantaginaceae Veronica
Accepted Name Veronica polita Dwarf bird's-eye speedwell; Wayside speedwell Plantaginaceae Veronica
Accepted Name Veronica scutellata Marsh speedwell; Grass-leaved speedwell Plantaginaceae Veronica
Accepted Name Veronica serpyllifolia Thyme-leaved speedwell Plantaginaceae Veronica
Accepted Name Veronica serpyllifolia subsp. serpyllifolia Thyme-leaved speedwell Plantaginaceae Veronica
Accepted Name Veronica teucrium Hungarian speedwell Plantaginaceae Veronica
Accepted Name Veronica triphyllos Finger speedwell Plantaginaceae Veronica
Accepted Name Veronica verna Spring speedwell Plantaginaceae Veronica
Accepted Name Veronicastrum virginicum Culver's root Plantaginaceae Veronicastrum
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