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Plant species within the ERICACEAE family are shown below. For quick access to family details, visit our ERICACEAE family page.
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Record Format
Scientific NameCommon NameFamilyGenus Specimens
Accepted Name Andromeda polifolia var. latifolia Bog rosemary Ericaceae Andromeda
Accepted Name Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Bearberry Ericaceae Arctostaphylos
Accepted Name Chamaedaphne calyculata Leatherleaf Ericaceae Chamaedaphne
Accepted Name Chimaphila maculata Spotted wintergreen Ericaceae Chimaphila
Accepted Name Chimaphila umbellata Pipsissewa Ericaceae Chimaphila
Accepted Name Chimaphila umbellata subsp. umbellata Pipsissewa; Prince's pine Ericaceae Chimaphila
Accepted Name Epigaea repens Trailing arbutus Ericaceae Epigaea
Accepted Name Gaultheria procumbens Checkerberry; True wintergreen Ericaceae Gaultheria
Accepted Name Gaylussacia baccata Black huckleberry Ericaceae Gaylussacia
Accepted Name Kalmia latifolia Mountain laurel Ericaceae Kalmia
Accepted Name Leucothoe fontanesiana Highland doghobble Ericaceae Leucothoe
Accepted Name Monotropa hypopitys Pinesap; American pinesap Ericaceae Monotropa
Accepted Name Monotropa uniflora Indian pipe; One-flowered indian-pipe Ericaceae Monotropa
Accepted Name Orthilia secunda One-sided shinleaf; Sidebells Ericaceae Orthilia
Accepted Name Oxydendrum arboreum Sourwood Ericaceae Oxydendrum
Accepted Name Pyrola americana Round-leaved shinleaf Ericaceae Pyrola
Accepted Name Pyrola asarifolia Pink shinleaf Ericaceae Pyrola
Accepted Name Pyrola asarifolia subsp. asarifolia Pink shinleaf Ericaceae Pyrola
Accepted Name Pyrola chlorantha Green shinleaf Ericaceae Pyrola
Accepted Name Pyrola elliptica Large-leaved shinleaf; Elliptical-leaved shinleaf Ericaceae Pyrola
Accepted Name Vaccinium angustifolium Early low blueberry; Narrow-leaved low blueberry Ericaceae Vaccinium
Accepted Name Vaccinium arboreum Farkleberry Ericaceae Vaccinium
Accepted Name Vaccinium corymbosum Highbush blueberry Ericaceae Vaccinium
Accepted Name Vaccinium macrocarpon Large cranberry Ericaceae Vaccinium
Accepted Name Vaccinium myrtilloides Canada blueberry; Velvet-leaved bluebrry Ericaceae Vaccinium
Accepted Name Vaccinium oxycoccos Small cranberry Ericaceae Vaccinium
Accepted Name Vaccinium pallidum Late low blueberry; Pale low blueberry Ericaceae Vaccinium
Accepted Name Vaccinium stamineum Deerberry Ericaceae Vaccinium
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